“a Lamp to my feet. a Light for my path.” – John 16:15


Jesus said, “The Spirit will take from what is Mine and make it known to you.”

– John 16:15



Have I gladly opened my heart to the Holy Spirit, and allowed Him in to take over and work in my heart? If I pray with yearning for the Holy Spirit to come and fill me over and over again, He will lead me to the Truth; will teach me the Truth…and I will more than relish it and savour it. The power of knowing the Truth fills the heart with faith and hope and full trust in the Lord – who is the Truth!

When I allow the Spirit into every hidden and dark corner of my heart, He will help me recognise the truth about myself, unpalatable as it may be. He will bring me to humbly acknowledge my weaknesses, and fill me with a determination to overcome them.

The more we pray for the Holy Spirit, and the more we depend upon Him, the more we shall find ourselves choosing God above all else. The more we allow the Spirit to work in us, the closer we shall get to the Truth, and understand the value of Christ’s salvation and of the significance of the Redeemer Himself…and our love for Him shall know no bounds.



Holy Spirit, enter my heart.

Consuming fire, have mercy on me.



Spirit of love and truth;

Spirit of wisdom and understanding;

Spirit of counsel and fortitude;

Spirit of knowledge and piety;

Spirit of the fear of the Lord;

Spirit of grace and prayer;

Spirit of peace and meekness;

Spirit of modesty and innocence.


Come O Divine Comforter and Sanctifier,

fill me with a revulsion for sin;

renew me;

shed Your light in my soul;

engrave Your law in my heart;

inflame me with the flame of Your love.


Come Holy Spirit,

open to me the treasures of Your graces;

teach me to pray well;

enlighten me;

lead me in the way of salvation;

fill me with the only necessary Knowledge;

inspire in me the practice of good;

make me persevere in justice and truth.


Come Holy Spirit, be my Guide.


[Today’s prayer is inspired by “The Litany to the Holy Spirit”, a personal prayer, author unknown]

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