“a Lamp to my feet. a Light for my path.” – Psalm 59:16-17




… I will sing of Your strength,

in the morning I will sing of Your love;

for You are my fortress,

my refuge in times of trouble.


You are my strength, I sing praise to You;

You, God, are my fortress,

my God on whom I can rely.


– Psalm 59:16-17 (NIV)






I will sing of Your strength,

in the morning I will sing of Your love

Is this my attitude towards God

during those first moments of my day,

or do I get up feeling sad or sullen,

dejected, anxious or angry even?


In those first moments of our day

it is good to stop looking inwardly

and to remind ourselves

that the Lord our God is with us, right by our side,

and that with Him there all will be well;

our burdens lighter;

our worries less overwhelming.


In those first moments of the day

forget yourself,

call out to the Lord

and just focus on Him who is your fortress, your refuge and your strength,

and sing praise to the One on whom you know you can rely

and who will lovingly carry you through another day.






Jesus, You are my strength, my fortress, my God on whom I can rely,

and I sing praise to You.


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